Stony Creek Restoration
The proposed channel restoration begins at the confluence of Stony Creek with Hay Creek and proceeds upstream along the alignment of Stony Creek (Clay County Ditch No. 31) to the Railroad right-of-way in Sections 12 and 13 of Barnesville Township. Breakout flows often occur during flood events when floodwaters leave the channel and flow over land, causing erosion and deposition within the channel. High flows along Stony Creek result in crop damage. Flooding from the Stony Creek drainage area also contributes to larger scale downstream flooding along the South Branch of the Buffalo-River.
The project proposes to restore 4 miles of channel, construct setback levees, install sediment best management practices (BMP’s), and establish buffer expansion along the channel. The restoration will occur in Sections 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, and 13 of Barnesville Township, Clay County, MN.
The existing capacity of the channel is often exceeded resulting in breakouts and overland flooding. The proposed stream restoration would re-establish the historic gradeline of the channel, and construct a stable 2-stage natural channel.
Stony Creek is listed by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency as impaired for turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and Escherichia coli (E. coli). These impairments hinder aquatic life and riparian habitat.