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Wolverton Creek Restoration

Wolverton Creek is a 23.5-mile long tributary to the Red River of the North located in west central Minnesota. The watershed is approximately 104 square miles. Similar to other streams in the Red River Basin, Wolverton Creek was straightened, ditched, cleared, and snagged to improve drainage and agricultural production.

In the 1960s, landowners began asking the BRRWD to investigate the problems associated with Wolverton Creek. The BRRWD has partnered with the Clay and Wilkin SWCDs' to reduce erosion and sedimentation in Wolverton Creek. Watershed-wide solutions have been developed to address sedimentation, erosion, and habitat loss along Wolverton Creek and its tributaries including channel restoration, installation of side inlets and other sediment control BMPs, and installation of expanded bufferstrips along the creek.

The BRRWD developed a plan to acquire easements, restore and expand fish and wildlife habitat, improve water quality, and reduce flooding.

Project Goals and Objectives:

  • Improve Wildlife Habitat

  • Increase Wildlife Habitat Connectivity

  • Improve Water Quality and Reduce Sediment Loading

  • Reduce the Occurrence and Magnitude of Flood Damage to Agricultural fields

Project Benefits:

Wildlife habitat and connectivity will be improved through the establishment of 770 acres of riparian wetland and prairie habitat. This will permanently protect a wildlife corridor ranging from around 200 feet to more than 750 feet in width and will provide wildlife connectivity from the Manston Slough WMA to the Red River of the North.

The Wolverton Creek Project will also provide flood damage reduction.

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